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Sunday, May 22, 2011

What to Look for in an OxyContin Rehab Program

OxyContin is a painkilling medication which is prescribed to terminally ill people as well as for those that suffer from different forms of chronic pain. Available in tablet form it is not unusual for a person addicted to the drug to crush up the medication and snort it through a straw or tube. The drug is particularly dangerous to abuse because of the high potential for a fatal overdose. OxyContin was first introduced in 1995 and since that time the drug has been one of the most widely prescribed and commonly abused all over the country it is a problem.

When a person becomes addicted to OxyContin it is a virtual nightmare and living becomes merely existing. Physical addiction to OxyContin is an unavoidable circumstance that happens when a person is exposed to a high enough dosage of the drug over a specific time period. Once addiction sets in a person will need to keep using the drug and at a higher dose in order to mimic the original effects which is what makes OxyContin so extremely dangerous. It is because of intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms that a person will seek to continue using OxyContin.

OxyContin imitates the mechanism of action of the pleasure chemicals in the brain and produces artificial feelings of euphoria. The drug is able to produce pleasure effects by acting upon the serotonin reuptake receptors of the brain. Oxycontin confuses or tricks the person's mind and body and makes it believe that the drug is necessary for normal functioning. When someone becomes addicted to a drug like OxyContin the likelihood of overdose is extremely high. A person should find an OxyContin rehab program to stop using the drug and should never ever try to conquer the situation alone.

Some medical experts compare OxyContin addiction to almost like heroin addiction but some say it can be extremely worse. OxyContin addiction causes a person to experience severe and sometimes life-threatening withdrawal symptoms and medical complications:

  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Hot/cold sweats
  • Depression
  • Excessive yawning
  • Heart palpitations
  • Watery eyes
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Joint/muscle pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Uncontrollable coughing

In order to recover from an OxyContin addiction a person desperately needs the help of a professional rehab program. It is never easy to face any type of drug addiction head on and with honesty but for those that do the process of healing and recovery is facilitated much more easily. There can be an end to the viciousness that is OxyContin addiction but for most it cannot and will not happen without the benefit of a professional drug treatment center.

OxyContin addiction is a very serious situation the medication is made to be released over a period of time and when taken in large doses a person can experience a fatal overdose. An accidental overdose may require a period of hospitalization and should never be taken lightly it is a cry for help that desperately needs to be answered. There are certain signs which can be a signal of an overdose which include:

  • Impaired mental function
  • Slowed respiration
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Coma
  • Reduces vision
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Weakness
  • Hallucinations
  • Clammy or cool skin

When a person seeks to overcome an addiction to OxyContin there are things which are important to look for in a potential rehab program. An Oxycontin rehab program must have an aggressive and comprehensive treatment plan which will be tailor made to suit the needs of each individual client. A person should always be treated as a unique individual and never as just another face in the crowd of rehab clients.

Overcoming an OxyContin addiction requires a strong dedication on the part of an addicted person and the assistance of a very innovative and highly skilled drug rehab program. Because OyxContin is such a physically addictive medication it is important that a person undergo detoxification prior to entering a professional drug rehab program. Once a person has been successfully detoxed from OxyContin treatment and healing can then proceed but without detoxification an addict can almost never get past the cravings caused by the drug.

The decision to enter into an OxyContin rehab program is admirable and the best choice any addicted person could ever make. Through various programs and therapeutic services an addicted person is provided with the highest standard of care possible while dealing with a very difficult situation. OxyContin or any other type of drug addiction causes serious problems which need to be handled by the skilled professionals that know how without it many people will die.

A professional OxyContin treatment program will help a recovery client by providing counseling therapy 12-step meetings support groups family counseling and an aftercare program. Once a person has realized the problems and consequences that led to drug addiction the situation can be effectively addressed and dealt with in a healing way. The journey to recovery is a long and arduous process but the only way that a person can heal is to permanently beat addiction and live life as a clean and sober individual.

Break the cycle of OxyContin addiction today and pick up the phone and take back control over your life again. Nobody that has ever enrolled into a professional drug treatment center has ever regretted the decision to become clean and sober. You deserve to have a chance in life to be free from the chains and burdens of drug addiction the only way it can happen is if you want it badly enough and are willing to work hard to accomplish the goal.

Never remain stuck being a victim of a drug like OxyContin through addiction treatment anyone can get rid of the burdens of drugs. End the slavery of addiction now and live to never regret it for the rest of your life. Give your family back the whole clean and sober person trapped inside seek help from a professional drug rehab center and learn how good life can be when lived as a fully functioning healthy happy individual once again.

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